Los Angeles, CA - We have been following the latest developments in Armenia with a heavy heart. We remained silent until today, the day immediately following the quasi-resolution of the hostage crisis, so that our actions or our words do not add fuel to the fire, and do not risk causing further bloodshed in Armenia. No Armenian should ever die in the hand of another Armenian. We applaud the decision of the Sasna Tsrer who voluntarily surrendered only to prevent further bloodshed.
We very well understand our role, as well as our influence in our community and in the Armenian affairs globally. We have thousands of members and supporters, as well as tens of thousands of social media followers, both in Armenia and locally. We know the value of our words. Unlike a number of “self-proclaimed” community leaders who continuously make self-contradictory statements and empty personal attacks, we feel a huge responsibility towards Armenia, and towards our community which has given us so much support over the years.
It is truly tragic that our compatriots in Armenia had to resort to such drastic measures to achieve change and reforms. We would like to make it clear that there is no question in our minds that Armenia does in fact need change. The operation by Sasna Tsrer presented itself as a last resort catalyst, an outlet for all the deep undercurrent of discontent regarding the domestic and foreign policy.
We wholeheartedly support the intent of those seeking socio-political and economic reforms in Armenia, regardless of their political views. The mass emigration, the stagnant oligarchical economy, and the results of the four day April war with Azerbaijan, which saw the Armenian side losing 800 acres of the liberated lands in Artsakh, showed that Armenia indeed needs fresh faces to overcome the numerous challenges our country is facing internally as well as externally. It is time for all of us to step up, but we must do so in a thoughtful and calculated manner. Armenia needs change through dialogue leading to a fast-paced evolutionary change, and not through a bloody or violent revolution.
In these turbulent times, it is time to come together to prevent further bloodshed in our homeland. Irresponsible comments only unnecessarily increase the tension. To that end, and to initiate a public dialogue on the matter, we are planning to hold a roundtable discussion and invite community members to join us to discuss the latest developments in Armenia. We will further notify the public of the details of this upcoming event.
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